Wednesday 22 August 2012

A book review: 'The Butt' by Will Self

The Butt is an extraordinary, and strange, novel detailing the events following one man's flick of his cigarette butt of his apartment balcony that lands on top of the man below's head. What follows is a journey through a foreign land with bizarre customs, and even more bizarre laws. Could he really be guilty of attempted murder? Just for flickin' a butt?!

About two chapters into this book I began to think of George Orwell's 'six rules for writing' and in particular the second rule: 'never use a long word where a short one will do.' I'll repeat that 'never use a long word where a short one will do.' Boy oh boy were there some 'long' words in this book - and by long I mean I'm sitting there having to chew my way through sentences three or four times before it goes in. This made it annoying almost instantly as it was arduous trying to get through chapters and stops the flow of the story. There's nothing wrong with 'long' words, in fact most of them are poetic and beautiful but writing things like 'actualité' instead of 'truth' is plain ridiculous. Orwell would be most unimpressed.
To Self's credit, he is a genius at describing simple, every day things and making them sound unusual and exciting. I knew it was worth trudging through the long-winded chapters just to get a few descriptive gems at the end of it.

In terms of story originality and creative, this book would get a ten out of ten from almost everyone, but where it comes up short is in the delivery. There is no denying Self's writing ability, and sense of humour, but at the end of the book after we are forced to churn through chapter after chapter following the protagonist on a long, boring and pointless journey driving across baron land and finally arrive at our destination to be told by another character who arrived there much earlier that he 'had flown', I just thought well, bloody hell, couldn't we have flown too?

Will Self is an author I would always recommend but as for this book, it's not very high on my list of 'must-reads'. 

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