Tuesday 15 November 2011

5 unexpected downsides of high intelligence.

5. You’re Probably a Night Owl (which is bad!) - Recently, scientists discovered a quirky side effect to having a high IQ: You tend to stay up until later hours and get up later in the morning. These sleeping habits mean you’re also three times more likely to suffer the symptoms of depression, as well as being at higher risk for heart disease and suffer more arterial stiffness than those who go to bed early.

4. You’re Less Likely to Pass On Your Genes - A 2008 national census reported that women who had dropped out of high school had the most children on average. Research shows that countries with high national IQs tend to have lower childbirth rates in general compared with countries that can’t collectively tie their shoelaces together.
But it’s not all bad news. There’s evidence that the highly educated get more enjoyment out of sex than the dumb jocks.

3. You’re More Likely to Lie - The problem with being the smartest guy in the room is that you usually know you’re the smartest guy in the room. You know you have an intellectual edge and can’t help but abuse it. IQ bestows the gift of deception.

2. You’re More Likely to Believe Bullshit - Smart people believe weird things because they are skilled at defending beliefs they arrived at for non-smart reasons.

1. You’re More Likely to be Self-Destructive - The thing is, the great minds are full of curiosity. Smart people are more likely to be drunks, and people who fall into the “very bright” category (IQs of 125 or greater) are more likely to drink excessively and binge drink.

What do you think? Notice any similarities between these descriptions and yourself?

Thursday 10 November 2011

Here is the antithesis of human yearning. It is single toothbrushes resting on constantly puddled porcelain sinks. It is rolling around in bed without another form to comfortably disrupt the motion. It is packet meals and tv comedy where audience laughter drowns out internal monologue. It takes form in unreciprocated adoration and inflicted indifference, where complacency and expectation take precedence over seemingly unnecessary expressions of emotion. We accept wandering eyes and callous remarks and forgotten details but deny ourselves the truth of inevitable disintegration. We allow our wearied hearts to say ‘No more searching, I will not find someone that loves me as much as I love him/her’, and so we give, give, give and pour ourselves out until they blossom, vowing ‘It does not matter if I am left bone dry & drained, so long as I can give them what they desire.'